
Thursday, December 12, 2019

SLJ Teaser D5 Activity 1: The Social Network

I learnt in Cybersmart this year that you don't post your last name, your phone number, your

 home address and email because it is not safe. Someone could pretend to be you or they could steal

your money.

The stuff that you can post is your first name but not your last name, pets name, your friends name

but not their last name.

So always Be careful what you're doing and posting.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

SLJ Teaser D1 Activity 1: Leading the Charge

If I was a  Principal for one week I would change the water fountains to fizzy fountains .If there was a lockdown I would have traps to guard the kids.I will have lots of stuff for the teacher's like first aid kits  if kids get hurt.

SLJ Teaser D1 Activity 3: Mass Migration

If I was Donald Trump I would not put a wall between Mexico and America they should be country together.

It would be had to get to America and then back to Mexico or Donald Trump could put a

gateway so they can go to America and then back to Mexico.

Monday, December 9, 2019

SLJ Teaser D3 Activity 3: The Columbian Exchange

                                Name Ashlyn!
  Ashlyn is a good friend because she gets her work done.  She never gives up on work. She really is a good friend to others!