
Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Today we had a cake maker named Shayelah she came and explained what she does for a job. 

If you type up Kaitaia Cakes you will find ClarkÅ› cakes as the top of the search. Shayelah has been baking for 10 years and she has made more then 2000 cakes. She makes 15 cakes a week and works at night. kaitaiacakes

Monday, August 9, 2021


Today we had whaea Donna and we lenernd about a positive comment and the highlight is green for positive Yellow Helpful Orange thoughtful red bad Blue Question. I engoy the all positive comment i found out that green for positive Yellow Helpful Orange thoughtful red bad Blue Question. Do you make good comments?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Fabric designs

Today we did a collage about fabric and here are the designs I found .

my migration


Monday, August 2, 2021

Blog comments


Today we had whaea Donna  
we Learnt  about a good blog comment and how to make one.
I found out that it is not hard to write a good comment. I enjoyed the fixing up the blog comments.
How do you write a quality comment?